– “Keep Money Flowing and Growing”

One of the things that I really wanted to do when I started Graduate’s Guide was to give a portion of the revenues from book sales to keep money “flowing and growing.” I chose, a micro-lender, because I believe in the concept of giving people a little seed money and letting them grow businesses. When you empower people, you create prosperity and hope and that is what I am hoping we can do. So I have started by finishing the funding of a small loan to Carmen in Colombia to buy clothing for her store.

I also started a team – Graduate’s Guide – so that others can make loans (and they are loans so the money is paid back and can keep “flowing and growing.”) Consider joining my team and making loans to help someone who just needs a bit of money to get a business going. I have chosen young entrepreneurs as my prospective borrowers because that’s the audience for the book as well. You can choose from a lot of different categories, though. Vulnerable groups, youth, conflict zones, green, rural communities and underbanked areas are all segments that you can identify. You can further choose the gender, the sector, and the area of the world.

For as little as $25, you can help fund someone’s dream and better their life. Once you put in your search criteria, you can see the people who are looking for help. You can read their stories and then click to make a loan.

Check out Kiva here.

Join my team here. (it shows 0 loans for $0 but that isn’t right – I emailed them to see why my $275 loan doesn’t show up.)

Together, let’s keep money “flowing and growing.”

To your financial success!
