
Financial Tips Video


Credit Doctor:

This is a product of Metro Brokers specifically for new home buyers to start now to understand their credit score and to fix any blemishes ahead of trying to qualify for a mortgage. My pal, Cynthia Norcia, has it on her site under the buyers tab. There is a charge to get the report, but it tells you specific action steps to take to improve your score. (Note, I get no $ for recommending this.)

Amazing Books:

The Power of Perception: 6 Steps to Behavior Change by Hyrum Smith – A small book with a powerhouse message about how our hidden beliefs influence how we see and interact with the world.

The Dark Side of the Light Chasers: Reclaiming Your Power, Creativity, Brilliance, and Dreams by Debbie Ford – Another insightful book on the power of limiting beliefs to hold us back.

Any book by Martha Beck – She is wise and funny and brilliant. Here are a few favs:

Notes from the Universe: New Perspectives from an Old Friend – in book form or better yet, as a daily email customized on occasion from your profile. Mike Dooley is a wit and a love and will bend your mind a bit now and then.  Sign up at for the Adventurer’s Club and get your daily pat on the back. “Thoughts become things – choose the good ones.”

Any book by Wayne Dyer although I love his Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao. It’s great for a daily dose of wisdom.

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck. It’s all about growth….

Need some help getting organized?  How about Enough Is Enough, Get Control of Your Stuff! by Wendy Ellin? I heard her speak and her email management tips saved me!

What to spark your inner Go Getter? Sounds like you need The Go-Getter

So many more brilliant minds out there. If you have a favorite that has made you think in a new way, shoot me an email and I’ll add yours to the list! (Ditto with quotes!)

Career Help and Coaching – Choice or Consequences

Women’s Growth and Mentoring – Working on Your Now


I love a good quote and there are 3 on my wall right now:

“Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want now.” ~ Unknown (I wish I knew!)

“[Your name], today, be the person of your dreams.  See life through her eyes. Make decisions with her mind. Let every thought, word, and action come from her perspective, as if you had already arrived, and just watch how 2015 warps into the kind of year you talk and laugh about forever and ever and ever…. Peace, love, and green M&Ms ~ The Universe” ( (Is that a great message to start your day with or what?)

“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential.  Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed, but with what is still possible for you to do.” ~ Pope John XXIII (Plunge forward, imperfect ones! “The beginning of a new day is a wondrous gift. It is a blank page, containing nothing and yet filled with possibilities.” ~ Derek Lin)

I also have a print of Marianne Williamson’s Our Deepest Fear.  (You have to scroll way to the bottom on her website to find it.) It is so beautiful I want to cry every time I read it.

And here’s a Tana’s Tip: “View a spending plan as a framework for helping you get everything that you ever dreamed of and a way of eliminating all of the “trash and trinkets” that are taking away from your big dreams.”

Other Good Stuff

Check back frequently as I’ll be adding some downloadables to help you get your money life pointed in the right direction.

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