I have heard that type of comment from clients or participants at speaking engagements but most recently it came from a friend telling me about divorce and the financial fallout in the aftermath. Yes, we’ve all been irresponsible at one time or another. We live in a culture that thrives on spending, living in the
Author: tanagg
Where are you in your half-time?
We are past the halfway mark for 2016 and perhaps you are shaking your head in wonder as I am. At halftime, teams gather in the locker room and assess what went well and what has gone awry so I recently sat down to do the same. To read more, click over to my blog
Mothers and Money – Why They Both Matter
To all of the mothers out there, I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day! As I was thinking about being a mom and all the ways that moms care for their children, I couldn’t help but think of the financial impact of moms. The traditional mother role was the nurturing and physical care of
Whoops – Why Did I Do That?
Some mistakes involve doing things we wish we had not done. It happens, but if it happens and happens and happens again, it is probably time to take a closer look at what’s going on. Consider the following whoops areas and see if you fit one: cliff hanger….. head to my blog at Working On
A New Attitude
In my last blog, I asked you to pay attention to your thoughts and especially your feelings as you interact with money and money matters. How you react emotionally has a huge impact on your ability to deal with money positively and create the type of calm, confident interaction with money and financial matters that
The Energy of Money
Today and during the week, I want you to think about your relationship with money and financial topics. Every time you pull out your wallet, look at money, pay bills or think about anything “financial,” whether at work or in your personal life, pause and think about how you feel, in your gut, at that
It is Taxing to Be Self-Employed
Yes, in so many ways it is taxing and especially when you consider the self-employment tax. Just the name sounds wrong, “I am being taxed just because I am self-employed?” Kind of. Let’s take a look at this tax and understand exactly what it is. When you are an employee, your employer withholds Social Security
Let’s Get ‘er Done
Did you roll with me last week and get all of those income items organized for your tax return? Of course you did (but just in case, feel free to skootch back a week and take a look at it at how easy it is to get yourself organized way before April 15th.) Let’s press
Let’s Get Organized!
January has come and gone which means a) the year is racing by, b) most people have already bagged their new year’s resolutions, c) you have gotten a bunch of tax forms in the mail, or d) all of the above? If you picked “d,” you are a winner! The year is racing by, everybody,
Make a Weakness a Strength
To improve, you must make your weaknesses your strengths. Pat Summit, Tennessee Women’s Basketball Coach I do not think she means that I have to grind away at