Spring cleaning was an annual event at my house when I was a kid. The whole family had to dedicate “as much time as it took” on a Saturday to clean the house, top to bottom. I hated the process but I have to admit, it gave me such a feeling of freshness and renewal.
Author: tanagg
Working on Your Now – Guest Blogger for Money Mondays
I am honored to have partnered with Lori Beard-Daily and her fabulous Working On Your Now website to bring you Money Mondays. I hope you’ll take a peek at my blog and more importantly, all of the life-changing information that she has on her website. To your total success!
“Millennials are Missing the Retirement Boat” and I Think I Know Why
This article by Mitch Tuchman on Forbes.com highlights that millennials aren’t focused on retirement savings, and I think I know why. Retirement is something for grandpa, not for a 20-something person just setting sail on the great voyage of life! It’s hard to get excited about quitting when you aren’t even sure you have started
Money Stress
There is no stress like money stress. The anxiety, fear, or dread that you feel when your money world is out-of-whack is the most uncomfortable and frightening feeling! It connects deeply to our survival instinct and our need to feel safe. But it also taps into our social fears: what would others think? To keep
Financial Feelings
We often don’t make the connection between our feelings and our finances but emotion is what is driving most of our actions around money. “I want” and “I need” drive spending and those desires come from our feelings. To read more, please visit Working on Your Now where I was the guest blogger. Financial Feelings
Your Money Story Shapes Your Money Reality
An excerpt from The Graduate’s Guide to Money You began learning about your world subconsciously as a child. A lot of your money experiences and feelings came from childhood experiences, but your money story is shaped every time you have an experience with money. When you delve into your gut reaction—that feeling in your belly—you access the
Be Rewarded
I went in to Walgreens yesterday to pick up some pictures that I had printed. “You have enough points to get $2 off your purchase today,” the clerk told me. My purchase was only $7 so $2 was 28% off – nice! I don’t do a lot of shopping at Walgreens to be honest. Nothing
Welcome to the Graduate’s Guide Blog
Hey, welcome to my blog, The Graduate’s Guide to Money! My goal with this blog is to help readers understand the basics of money so that they can begin to make wise financial decisions for themselves. I expect to post more or less every other week, probably on the weekend but don’t hold it against me if