If you are sending that first child off to college in the next few weeks, you have probably already started to consider how you are going to pay that first tuition bill. If you diligently saved for your child’s college education and used a 529 Plan Account, it will likely be your first source of
Category: General
Miscellaneous posts
Let’s Get Rolling! — In That Dough!
The second quarter of the year is in the books and for many that brings retirement plan quarterly statements. Woo-hoo, something besides a bill in the mailbox! If you have started to see those statements roll in, take a look at them before tossing them in the drawer or filing cabinet. Do you have
Great Article – Wow!
I have read a lot of articles and thoughts about interviewing and being interviewed but this is by far the best and most actionable whether you are the hiring manager or the person being interviewed. As the one being interviewed, what a powerful, powerful approach to developing your career! Why Great People Get Hired. What
Financial Success Before and After the Job
I had a blast during the webinar today. Thank you to Bill at Jobs 4 Grads (Jobs 4 All) for hosting me!
What’s in Your Freedom Fund?
Retirement is that far-away time when we have magically accumulated enough money that we never have to work again. Retirement is far away; “I’ll never be that old,” “I have plenty of time to think about that later.” “Retirement is for my grandparents; that doesn’t have anything to do with me.” Those are the typical
It’s Only 5 Bucks
The phrase “it’s only 5 bucks” is the financial equivalent of a leaky faucet in your bathroom; it doesn’t seem like that little drip can add up to much until you plug the sink and see how fast it fills! You can build up to a $1,000 credit card balance, 5 bucks at time. The
Financial Tips
Here is a great video that the very talented Eli Goodstein created. Thanks, Eli! Watch it now! – it’s super short but gets to the heart of my top financial tips. To your financial success!
Your Money Story Shapes Your Money Reality
An excerpt from The Graduate’s Guide to Money You began learning about your world subconsciously as a child. A lot of your money experiences and feelings came from childhood experiences, but your money story is shaped every time you have an experience with money. When you delve into your gut reaction—that feeling in your belly—you access the
Welcome to the Graduate’s Guide Blog
Hey, welcome to my blog, The Graduate’s Guide to Money! My goal with this blog is to help readers understand the basics of money so that they can begin to make wise financial decisions for themselves. I expect to post more or less every other week, probably on the weekend but don’t hold it against me if